The Ultimate Guide to Fractora: How It Works and What to Expect


Fractora is a revolutionary skin rejuvenation treatment that has gained popularity in recent years. It combines the power of radiofrequency energy and micro needling to improve various skin concerns, including wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven texture. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of Fractora, how it works, and what you can expect from this innovative procedure.

Understanding Fractora

Radiofrequency micro needling is a cutting-edge technique that Fractora uses. A handheld device with teeny, sterile needles is used to make microchannel in the skin's surface during the procedure. Through these needles, radiofrequency radiation is simultaneously given, heating the skin's deep layers. This dual-action strategy encourages cellular turnover, tightens the skin, and stimulates collagen formation, giving the skin a more youthful and revitalized appearance.

The Treatment Process

You will have an initial consultation with a licensed dermatologist or aesthetician before to receiving Fractora. They will examine your skin issues, determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure, and create a unique treatment plan. Your skin will be cleaned the day of the operation, and a topical numbing lotion may be used to assure your comfort throughout the procedure.

During the treatment, the Fractora device will be gently applied to the targeted areas of your skin. The adjustable needles penetrate the skin, delivering radiofrequency energy while minimizing discomfort. The treatment duration varies depending on the treatment area and specific concerns. After the session, a soothing serum or moisturizer may be applied to aid in the healing process.

What to Expect:

You might have some redness, swelling, and minor discomfort following the Fractora treatment, which would be comparable to a sunburn. These adverse effects are transient and usually go away within a few days. You can anticipate initial improvements in your skin texture and tone within a week or two when the treatment's microchannel spontaneously close.

Benefits and Results:

Numerous advantages of Fractora include wrinkle reduction, acne scar repair, improved skin texture, and general skin rejuvenation. The procedure can be altered to target particular body parts, such as the hands, neck, décolletage, or face.

As collagen production rises over time, Fractora's effects become more noticeable. Your skin will look younger and more firm and smooth. Many patients note a notable increase in the condition of their skin overall, with less fine wrinkles, fewer acne scars, and an even skin tone.


Fractora is an advanced non-surgical beauty treatment that harnesses the power of radiofrequency micro needling to address a variety of skin concerns. By stimulating collagen production and promoting cellular renewal, it can help you achieve a more youthful and radiant complexion. With the understanding of how Fractora works and what to expect, you can make an informed decision and embark on your journey to healthier, rejuvenated skin. Consult a qualified professional to determine if Fractora or other non-surgical beauty treatments Los Angeles are the right choice for you and begin your path towards beautiful skin.


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